Find the latest IET news and Member views in the November 2024 issue of Member news.
Welcome to the new look and feel Member News magazine. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to enhance our news offering to you, our members.
We’ve been hitting the headlines across a range of media outlets around the world.
How bringing together India’s key technologists could help solve the country’s ‘component conundrum’.
Our Postgraduate Research Awards help researchers share their knowledge throughout the global science, engineering and technology community.
Warren East CBE FREng FRS MA MBA CEng FIET has become our 143rd President.
With all the buzz around quantum computing and AI it’s easy to overlook the roll-out of the fifth-generation network technology 5G.
Meet our Diamond Jubilee Scholarship recipient Sabrina Singh.
Diego Valencia describes the power of the IET’s inspiring community of volunteers.
At just 30 years old, Thathsara Nanayakkara is the youngest IET-registered chartered engineer (CEng) in Sri Lanka.